I had a busy and fun weekend this past weekend and stayed close to home. I'm embracing winter and all things wintery. It feels good to be back in the flow of things and getting out there and enjoying my weekends. I work Monday to Thursday, so every weekend is a long weekend! This past weekend I did the solo ski tour on Friday, went for a fantastic 4 hour long run on the Minnewanka shoreline on Saturday and had a long day ski touring on Sunday. It was a most enjoyable weekend! The shoreline on Lake Minnewanka was incredible and while it had icy sections, it was mostly bare and dry. The trail is on a South facing shoreline at a lower elevation, so it's a bit of an anomaly to find a dry trail in November!
Our town: from the Top of Sulfur Mountain - Wednesday Eve's Run

Lake Minnewanka shoreline trail - Saturday's Run
But this week I'm excited for something else this week: it's a FULL MOON! With a forecast of clear, sunny and cold this should be a great week for enjoying the moon outside in all of its' winter glory. Tonight, a few of us are heading up Sulfur Mountain to howl at the moon and tomorrow, we are going up to Sunshine Village to have dinner and head out for a full moon ski tour. Should be fun! The weather is forecast to be clear, sunny and cold all week: -10c to -20c all week with no snow in the forecast. It has been snowing at the higher elevations pretty much non-stop for the last couple of weeks, so I'm ready for the sunshine, as well as the full moon!

Leslie -
I found your blog a few weeks ago getting ready to come to Banff - Great Site ! Really great photos !
Now that I'm here - Trail running in 7F degree weather? What was I thinking ! Maybe it will warm up a bit by Friday.
Craig form Memphis -
Almost forgot -
Great moon last night ! We were coming in on 1 & watched it rise above the mountains. Unreal !
What a great night-time shot Leslie. Makes me homesick to see the majestic rocky mountains. But Vermont is beautiful and I love it here. Deanna is nuddging me to "get with it mom" she has a ton of confidence in me. :o) Now that I'm layed off from my job, I have no excuse not to do a HARD walk everyday at least once. It was great meeting Keith and we enjoyed his stories and helping out with the dogs on our walk. Tell him Little Oscar (my weener doggie) is now riding with the Big O in the red wagon when it's very cold. What a sight. Can't wait to meet you one day. Happy Trails, the mom (Sandra)
Too funny Craig!! You ain't in Memphis any more, honey! Did your lungs burn? The moon is going to be amazing all week with the clear, cold temperatures. Have a great holiday!
Hi Sandra!
I would love to see Otto in the red wagon with Oscar riding shotgun. Now that is funny. I'm envious that Keith got to visit y'all in Vermont! Next time....
Love the photos!!
I always enjoy your posts!!
what a great picture Leslie!! :)
Full Moon Skiing was wonderful! Sorry the pics didn't work!
The full moon ski was AWESOME! 3 runs, under a bright moon and clear sky. No headlamps required!
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