Aaaaaah. Skoki. Cozy Historic Lodge. Turquoise Lakes. Larch Trees. High Alpine Goodness.
Some of you may remember my forays into Skoki this past winter, back when the scenery was still jaw dropping, just whiter and fluffier.
Here's a couple of pictures from winter and summer. Play along and see if you can spot the difference!!

See the difference?? Notice how the little things have changed? Like snow and pink panties? But really, the scenery hasn't changed at all. It is still there, it is still awesome and it is still immense.

I just got back from a really, really, really good weekend at Skoki Lodge.
I took
180 photographs and I could have taken a lot more! The scenery was almost overwhelming. Everywhere we ran, just when you thought it couldn't get any better you would crest a ridge, turn a corner and BOOM!! An assault on the senses. Turquoise lakes, rocky outcrops, high alpine meadows and peaks as far as the eye could see!

On the first day, my buddy Miles and I ran in a long way on a trail, very well removed from
anything. We ran for 30+ kilometres in the backcountry of Banff National Park and saw nobody. Zilch. Zero. Molar Pass was lovely and we had the place to ourselves!
Keith ran in to Skoki via the slightly shorter but just as scenic route and we rendez-vous'ed for dinner time. Nothing like ending up at a historic cozy lodge at the end of a long running day!! The feast on the table and my husband waiting for me were the icing on the cake.

After a good night's sleep, our second day evolved into a 2 part epic. In the AM, we scrambled up Fossil Mountain and ended up on top of the peak. Wow. I felt like I was on top of the world standing on top of that mountain! Keith was pretty excited to be there, too.

We headed back to the lodge, enjoyed some treats (can you say Jam and Brie on a home baked carrot muffin?) and then headed out for out afternoon run. Miles, Keith and I ran in to Merlin Lake on a sweet highline trail that was carved out of a big scree and rock slope. It was very cool and the lake was awesome. Actually, awesome is quite an understatement. It was

While we were lunching by the lake and admiring the view, Miles looked up to Merlin Ridge and says "We could tag the top and still make it back for 7:30 dinner."
So we did.

For the last day, we thought it would only be fitting to scramble up Skoki Mountain. When I was up on Merlin Ridge, you could see the mountain sitting in the middle of the valley and it really was calling to be climbed! After breakfast, we scrambled up, tagged the top and enjoyed some more time on top of the world. When we got back, we enjoyed a second breakfast packed up our gear and headed out for the scenic tour by the Skoki Lakes, Zigadenus Lake and Mytosis Lake.
After a plunge in the glacial fed lake, we climbed up and over Packer's Pass and ran all the way out and back to civilisation. But that's O.K. I live in Banff!
What can I say? I love where I live. One things for certain, I am going to continue to live, play and enjoy life in Banff National Park for a very, long time.
What a fantastic good time. Thanks for sharing in a weekend of fun Keith and Miles!