You allow me to do what I love to do for 6 glorious days: run on trails, in the mountains with good people. That's what keeps me coming back.
This was Year 4 for me. Four! In case you're wondering, the Trans Rockies Run has only been operational for 4 years: that means that I'm 4 for 4. Four fantastic years, four fantastic partners and four unique experiences. Every year, the organizers have tweaked it. It's been getting a little bit better and better, ever year. During the 4 years, I've seen consistent improvements and fine tuning of the little event known as the Gore-tex Trans Rockies Run. So thank-you Trans Rockies peoples for running a kick-ass event, your attention to detail and your hard work is really appreciated from this runner.
This year, was the Year of Kendra. She was and is, a Rock Star. Trans Rockies is a partner race, so you'd better be sure you choose a good one. For me, this race and it's enjoyment is directly proportional to your choice of partners. I'm amazed every year at how many people forget that. I've been extremely lucky to have 4 amazing partners and 4 incredible experiences. This year, running around the woods with Kendra was just plain good fun.
As a team race, you'd better be well and sure that you and your partner are clear on your expectations and your goals. With me, that's pretty easy. I have no expectations and no goals. I just want to take lots of pretty photographs and get to the finish line every day. I guess that makes me a pretty easy partner to get along with! This year, my goal was to finish the race happy and healthy every day. Maybe I do have goals, afterall. :)
Either way, that's my un-solicited advice for any of you thinking about running Trans Rockies next year: Choose your partner wisely, be clear on your goals and expectations and be prepared to be flexible. If you can do that, you will have a great race and a hugely rewarding experience.

On our first day running together, I asked how much running she'd been doing. I knew she'd squeeked out a couple of ultras over the winter and spring, but wasn't sure what she'd been up to all summer. I was surprised when she told me "Well, I haven't run further than 2 hours all summer." The town she lives in is flat and she hadn't done any hill training, let alone mountain running.
Fortunately, the woman is fit and strong 49 years old. She's been running and biking and this spring, has become a Cross-Fit Junkie. She's been doing a lot of strengthening work. Having run run the Trans Rockies before - she said "Yes!" to my invitation knowing full and well that she would probably suffer out there for 6 days. Now there's a woman after my heart. Someone willing to have a spontaneous adventure and challenge themselves.

Needless to say, we had an epic week and a great adventure. Surprisingly, I think Kendra got faster over the week. Her climbing and descending skills were rusty, but by the end of the week she had made some significant improvement. She was pretty quick on the flats and the rolling runnable sections. On Day 2 on Hope Pass, we were moving slow. But we were moving consistently and having fun! It was a beautiful day in the Colorado Rockies and I took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy this place. At 12,580 Feet or 3921.4 Meters, there were plenty of people suffering all around us.

The Leadville 100 Ultra was run only 2 days earlier and there were still visible signs leftover from this epic 100 Miler. I was thinking of friends of past and present who had been out there before me, enjoying (or not!) this beautiful place. I salute you my ultra friends!

One of the great new changes this year, was a sweet section of single track which took us along the shores of Twin Lakes and by a historic Ghost Town. It was fast, cruisy, gorgeous and enjoyable trail running.

As always, we spent lots of time with great people on and off the trail. At the 2010 edition of the Trans Rockies Run, we got to enjoy some sweet weather, with warm temperatures and blue sky days. We managed to cruise through Day 3 even quicker than Keith and I last year. Kendra sucked it up and got it done, hot, tired and exhausted.

On Day 4, we had lots of fun climbing, climbing and climbing - and enjoyed the sweet views on a high ridge, on top of the world. We got to see Keith up on the ridge, who was walking this stage with Cynthia Amon of Gore-tex. He was her personal cheerleader and kept her moving and having fun. They started an hour earlier and got to cheer on all of the runners who came by.

This day finishes in Red Cliff, where we hit the river for the customary leg soak and Mangos for some socializing, good food and good times. I hung out for hours on the patio in the sunshine, got to cheer Keith and Cynthia to the finish line and started an impromptu dance party. That was a fun day. Aaaaah, good-times.
On Day 5, we saw lots of people suffering out there. I felt pretty darn fortunate to be moving strong, feeling great and enjoying a beautiful day. The lovely Kendra, was a stud. Here she was, 5 days in to a tough 6 day race that she had not trained for and the woman continued to impress.

We got to share some trail time with Aaron McConnell, the bestest-race-director-of-all-est. As the principle organizer and one of the owners of Trans Rockies, Aaron decided to get "out of the office" for a day and spend a day running on the trails. He's a great guy and I've got to say, he does an amazing job at keeping the wheels of Trans Rockies rolling so smoothly.

It was great fun to roll in to the finish line in Vail and have Keith on the microphone, calling in all of the runners. As we descended, we could hear his voice in the distance cheering all the runners in.

When we finally hit the start line of Day 6, the last day - there was an air of excitement, to Get 'er Done. On the last day, people are tired. They've been running and camping for 6 days. They are dreaming of the bed, the finish line, the beer and the party. But first, they have to run. For most people, it's a long, hard, last day. Fortunately, it's also a beautiful day. Yet another beautiful day running the mountains in Colorado. Sigh.

I was so proud of Kendra for reaching the finish line. I had no doubt that she would do it, but she finished 6 days strong, tough and happy. I was so impressed. The best part of this years run for me was getting to know Ms. Kendra and discovering what a kind, gentle soul she is. She's a great lady and we had an awesome week together.

In no particular order, here are a few high-lights of my Trans Rockies Run 2010 edition:
-good times socializing at camp
-starting an impromptu dance party
-seeing my husband in action on the microphone
-margaritas with Nicky Kimball and Anita Ortiz in the baggage truck
-incredible scenery and great weather
-re-connecting with the old Trans Rockies family: runners, volunteers and organizers
-making some new Trans Rockies friends
-a week running on trails in a beautiful place
-getting to know Kendra
-Post-race Party to end my running holiday on a damn fine note.
So, to all of you who shared in this years Trans Rockies fun - thank-you! It really is the people that make this event such fun for me. It's always a damn fine way to wind up a summer's worth of trail running fun.
Run On.