We Interrupt this Post....
.....to bring you the first day of ski touring season!! :)

...ready or not, it's HERE! There was a surprising amount of snow out there for our first ski tour of the season. The sun was out and we were pretty happy to be back in our sparkling snowy playground of Sunshine Meadows....let the season begin!
Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yah, winter is HERE!!! It feels cold because a week ago I was in Nevada and Arizona...Hot-Cold-Hot-Cold = Cold.
Danni...get your a** up here!
:) KB
ok here i am once again DROOLING!! ;-)
Can't you just adopt me? and i move back to banff so i can ski all season???
Oh wowowowie! These last 4 blog entries make it look like you crossed from one end of the earth to the other. Awesome, and, oh wait, you kinda did. ;)
Can't wait to see the rest of your R2R2R stuff!
Awesome! I wanna come play! :-)
Looks so good! We're starting to get some of the white stuff on the coast too. I hope the early start is okay for the base.
Now those are snow shotz!! I was x-c skiing Morraine Lake road and was wowed by their snow. Back-country looks amazing!
What's that white stuff on your hills, is it styrofoam?
Hi Anna! I miss you, but I don't think adopting a 23 year old German girl is in my plans....:) Hope all is well!
Hi Meghan and Bryon...sounds like you had your own epic adventure!
Hi Tom and Marg! Great to hear from you! I'm all for embracing winter, afterall it's looooong, so you might as well get out there and play. It looks like an incredible start to our season. Cross fingers and toes.:0
Hi Paul, Oh yeah, you're in the land of eternal trails, aren't you? Hope you're enjoying them...sigh!
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