The last week and a half, I've been enjoying relaxing and running some shorter runs on my favorite backyard trails before heading off to run The Bear 100 on Friday. I've been drawing inspiration by visiting my visiting my special, pretty, places that I can run to from my house. It has been a great week.
We have been enjoying some ridiculous perfect fall weather, warm temperatures and the most clear blue sky you have ever seen. There is just something different about the sky this time of year, it is just the deepest blue possible. Last weekend, I spent some time givin' back the love volunteering at a local trail race in Canmore and then enjoyed my last long run. Both were awesome and the weekend was truly a marvel of the senses. It was a glorious indian summer weekend. The air smells different this time of year. The colors are changing. And that sky. That perfect sky. For my last long run, I decided to go visit Corey Pass because, well, nothing is more inspirational than Corey Pass on a blue sky day!

Deb Russell in Action: Canmore Five Peaks Race
I enjoyed an evening run up Sulphur Mountain - this one I can tag right from my backyard. Out the back door, up the trail, to the summit and back in about 2 hours 20 minutes. That's pretty special. And always inspirational.
And then I visited the trails of the Hoodoos area....
The Spray River Trail....
I'm ready to rumble at The Bear! I'm giddy with excitement. Either way, it's going to be a fun adventure. 100 frickin' miles. I can't wait to try.
Smiling in my Backyard.
Awesome pictures! Looks like some amazing running.
I didn't realize you were doing Bear 100. How exciting!! Good luck. I know you will do awesome, and certainly have an amazing experience.
Sorry, too many typos to let that last comment fly!
Bear 100!!!! You wild and crazy girl. That is really really exciting. I promise to send you wonderful running vibes here from CO.
And yes, Western States 100 camp next year, CHECK!!
What about the actual WS100, ya wanna enter the lotto on Oct 1???
As always, your pictures make me drool. I'm not sure if Banff can actually live up to those photos!
Hi Gretchen, Hi Sonya!
Yep, it was a spontaneous entry. I figure, why not give it a go? It looks like my kind of run: Scenic, Tough and really, really, reeeeeeeally long. We'll see how I do with that reeeeeeeally long part! As for WS, this girl didn't qualify. Believe it or not, I've only race one "official" race this year and that was Diablo! That one's all yours Sonya. It's too damn hot in that corner of Cali for me! I'll stick to camp. I still can't believe the time you blazed for your first 50 Miler. Whoa. You should start runnin' with Gretchen!
(Dood, that weird UFO cloud in the last photos is coolcreepy!)
Just think how many new friends you can make in 100 miles :)
You are going to ROCK ROCK ROCK Bear. I feel like a bad friend that I'm not going to be part of it. But I don't think you need me as you are going to ROCK. Did I mention that you will ROCK?
Not to put the pressure on or anything Leslie but as long as you finish the Bear you qualify for WS - so don't give up yet - Tim and I are headed to Dick Collins in the hopes of getting a slightly faster 50 mile time so we can enter the lottery too. - We have until the 15th of Oct to qualify!!!! Diablo was just a little too tough!!
So best of luck with the Bear - just give it some bear spray if it starts wearing you down!
Kick some bear ass out there - oh God there's an invitation to another bare ass photo if I ever saw one.
I cannot believe Anita Ortiz lasted longer in the freezing water than you - since you lasted in the freezing water about 5x longer than me. Tough cookie. I hope Keith has recovered from the Colorado mission?
Cheers, Paul
Good luck Leslie!
Have fun!! I will be following along.
Yeahyeahyeah, CONGRATS on your successful finish, Leslie! I can't wait to hear what that craziness was all about!
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