What have I been doing since running 100 miles? Well I took a few days off for starters. Actually, quite a few.
16 Days.


It's been awesome. This lazy girl never has never been one of those runners who has problem taking time off, when it's needed. And it was needed. Fortunately, the weather has cooperated and it's been ideal weather for chill-axin'. That's like relaxing, but different.
The top photo was taken on Friday morning in front of our house. We got in our car and got the heck out of Banff and headed for the Kootenays for the Thanksgiving weekend.
3 hours later we were sitting at The Modern in Revelstoke on a sunny blue sky fall day drinking coffee.
4 hours later we were on the ferry crossing Arrow Lakes.

8 hours later we were having dinner with friends Christy and Steven in their home in Nelson.
24 hours later we saw these Turkeys, one day before Thanksgiving. Keith and I stopped the car and shouted at them: "Run for your lives! Don't you know what day of the year it is!?!"

We left Nelson early and took the scenic route to Creston, taking the Balfour ferry and driving the shoreline of Kootenay Lake. We stopped for a stroll on the way and it was frosty and there was fresh snow on the peaks. An early frost for this corner of the world.

26 hours later we were sitting in my parents house having a tasty lunch!
It was such a beautiful weekend. It was great to see the folks and continue the resting and relaxing. And eating. There's been a lot of that. In fact, Thanksgiving was a 3 day eating bender! I think I'm done though. Enough relaxing. This girl needs to run! :)
I need to run too! But it makes me sore. I don't think I'm recovered.
good for you Leslie.
i LOVE Nelson. especially the little bakery at the balfour ferry... awesome breakfast samosa's
I haven't even tried running post-race. So tomorrow, I am going for a run! I'll start with 30 minutes on the flats and see how it feels and go from there. If all is well, I'll try 45 minutes of rolling terrain....and if all is really, really well I should be heading up Tunnel or Sulphur reeeeal soon!
Hey Ian. Yeah, we usually hit the bakery there as well. My favorite thing is the kids toy/backhoe on the beach...the "digger" is the best!
yah, except there is usually kids using it... :(
Big kids!
Canadian Turkey Day! Glad you had a nice weekend. Love your new title background photo. Very cool!
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