Well, it's official. The ski season has finally come to a close in Banff, as Sunshine Village closed for the season yesterday. I just had to sneak in one last day of ski touring at Sunshine Meadows. It was a true spring day in the high alpine, with wet, heavy snow under foot and warm temperatures. I loved every moment of it.

As much as I adore this place in winter, I can't wait to come back to this exact location in a few short months this summer. I am
dreaming of the next time I will be here: to enjoy some incredible single track, the sparkling lakes, the gorgeous views and the flowers. I can't wait!

I enjoyed the moment, the day and the excitement of one season ending and another one beginning.
This photo is from Saturday's Run, where I personally was enjoying the sensation of sun on my skin and the smell of the earth in spring time. We ran for 5 hours. I'm calling this picture:
Steve and The Big Mountain.

Followed by:
Mike and The Big Mountain
The boys are hiding in the shadow of this picture, as we skirt the shore of the Bow River. That's what our river looks like right now: it's empty and dry. The run-off hasn't started yet, it will be a few months before the snow leaves the high country.

In the meantime, we'll enjoy runs like this in the valley and dream of future adventures at Sunshine Meadows.
Wow, are you sure winter is over? Because it doesn't look like it. That is one long season up there!
I'm headed into the high country myself on Friday to investigate snow conditions on some of the trails. I love the trails this time of year because when there's still a little snow on the ground, it keeps things pretty peaceful out there.
Enjoy the emerging trails!
I hate to admit it but I have trouble looking at your pics at this time of year, for the wrong reasons this time! Winter has long since passed out here and I am trying to forget about the white stuff until at least Oct!
Incredible pics and adventures as always of course. No choice but to embrace it when you live in a place as beautiful as Banff!
It's amazing how much longer Sunshine is open compared to Big Mountain!!! Looks like fun and it's hard to believe the snow ever melts given that it's like 938749387987 feet deep!
Nice contrast--skiing and running in one post. Oh ya!
That's why I need 2 favorite sports!! And now maybe you kiddies can understand a wee bit better when I go and spontaneously purchase airplane tickets and blast myself off to California or the West Coast in March. I need to get myself some sunshine and dry trails to tide me over until May!
...and the concept that there is some far away land where the flowers are coming out and the grass is green is just so, so, so....IRRESISTIBLE! Therapeutic! Awesome!
Ahhh...the winter that never ends! At least this year. Guess we'll just have to make the most of the 10 weeks of summer..Who's coming to play?!
Hello Leslie. I have enjoyed reading your blog - Your photographs are spectacular. I found your blog looking for information about the Blackfoot Ultra 100K. I'm running that in about 10 days.
Do you have any advice you can share about the trail? I put my email address after my name if you would like to send me an email about the race. I loved your race report from last year.
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