This past weekend, I rallied the troops and came up with 5 fantastic gals to join me for a weekend trail running adventure in Jasper National Park. I've got to say, organizing women is like herding cats - but the end result was an awesome weekend of Girl Power.
This particular weekend was a tasty sandwich loaded with meat, extra cheese, guacamole and a slathering of Adventure Sauce. Our weekend included a bonus loop, a Grizzly Bear and for a grand-finalee: a heli rescue. That was a first.
I got 3 great days under my belt:
1. Parker's Ridge with Suzy, with a bonus ridge scramble. Awesome.
2. The Skyline Trail with Suzy, Monica, Libby and Nadya complete with a bonus loop and a Grizzly Bear, for as total of 50k. Even more Awesome.
3. Berg Lake Trail. No bonus loop, just a big crash. Not So Awesome.
Up until the moment of The Crash, there was fun to be had. Classic Berg Lake scenery had us all blissed out. We were having a virtual Love-In of the sweet trails and beautiful mountains. The Berg Lake Trail was blowing our minds and there were smiles and incredibly scenery around every bend.
This particular weekend was a tasty sandwich loaded with meat, extra cheese, guacamole and a slathering of Adventure Sauce. Our weekend included a bonus loop, a Grizzly Bear and for a grand-finalee: a heli rescue. That was a first.
I got 3 great days under my belt:
1. Parker's Ridge with Suzy, with a bonus ridge scramble. Awesome.
2. The Skyline Trail with Suzy, Monica, Libby and Nadya complete with a bonus loop and a Grizzly Bear, for as total of 50k. Even more Awesome.
3. Berg Lake Trail. No bonus loop, just a big crash. Not So Awesome.
Up until the moment of The Crash, there was fun to be had. Classic Berg Lake scenery had us all blissed out. We were having a virtual Love-In of the sweet trails and beautiful mountains. The Berg Lake Trail was blowing our minds and there were smiles and incredibly scenery around every bend.
The "Let's Go That-Away" photo was taken minutes before the Divine Ms. Libby took her Dramatique-Ankle-Turning-Sack-of-Potatoes-Bail-of-the-Year. Really, her accident couldn't of taken place in a better place. We were 22km into the wilderness, but fortunately we were about 5 minutes from the day-use shelter at Berg Lake. The warden station was another 1.5km away, with an emergency radio located on sight. We quickly determined that her sprain was severe and there was to be no possibility of walking out for 22km on her ankle. So we called for a helicopter ride. Did I mention Libby is deathly phobic of flying?

The prognosis was a torn rotator cuff, a 3 degree sprain and a bone chip in her ankle. After dinner, we hit the road for Banff and got home at 1:00AM in the morning making for a long, memorable day.
My life is currently a whirlwind of time and space. Hopefully, I'll get some photos up of Parker's Ridge and the Skyline - it was so awesome, but I'm currently short on time. Maybe if I didn't run so much, I'd have some spare time!
On a side-note: Keith is currently riding his bike through the wilderness of Alberta and B.C and having the time of his life at the Trans Rockies Bike Race.
He's had cell service periodically, so I've heard from him almost every day. He's just finished Day 4 with his partner Jill - it was almost 8 hours in the saddle. Today's stage featured mud, gorgeous scenery and a hail storm. Jill has been posting to her blog and you can follow along on the Trans Rockies website for race reports, results and pictures daily. On Friday, I'm going to make a random appearance on top of Jumping Pound Ridge to cheer on the cyclists, and give my honey a big smooch of Congratulations. Trans Rockies Bike is epic beyond words: the days are tough, hard and long for all of the athletes, but even longer and tougher when you're in the mid to back of the pack. I'm so proud of him for making it to the start line.
That's such a bummer about Libby's ankle, but glad you were relatively close to that radio. (Kind of scary to think how vulnerable we can be out there when something goes wrong.) Hope she heals up quickly.
Love your girl wknd adventures!
p.s. Hi Liza!
Ugh Libby exeriened my biggest fear. I don't want to be heli-evaced. Ever. What a trooper. And a huge bummer. That's some major fall if she tore her rotator cuff too! Poor girl. I can see myself doing that. But being less lucky in terms of location.
That was an eventful time! Hope the ankle has a speedy and full recovery.
I really have to plan a trip to Banff. Your pics of the landscape are amazing! Your posts are a highlight for me.
Talk about adventure!
I hope Libby is back on her feet to go for more wonderful trail runs.
I know some backpackers carry SPOT GPS and emergency signal device on their long trips. I've been thinking about getting it too but so far did nothing about it.
As usual, your pics make me want to hop in the car and head for the mountains like NOW.
Wishing Libby a speedy recovery!
Poor girl. What a bummer!Speedy recovery thoughts being sent her way.
My hubby and I had to be air lifted off a mountain in Switzerland and it was the most frightening experience ever! So much so that 2 years later when I broke my collar bone running up in the mountains in France I was determined to walk down. It took about 2 hours or so and I was in agony but at least my feet were on the ground!
That glacier flowing into the lake is fantastic.
Oh man, so sorry to hear about Libby. Glad you got out okay. Does Canada make you pay for the chopper? It depends here--if the person is prepared to be out in the wilderness they usually won't charge you, but it's a gamble.
The official news is that Libby has a broken ankle - and the helicopter ride was worth every penny!! Keith and Jill finished TransRockies and had lots of fun. Me, I'm so busy I've got no time for catch-up blogging and I'm trying to find a Trans Rockies partner in the next 24 hours! My honey broke himself and can't run. :(
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