The weekend started early and went non-stop. On Thursday night, Nicola rolled into Banff and the first thing we did is go for a run. Now, I don't know Nicola that well, but in the first hour I determined a few things: she thinks farts are funny and she doesn't have an ounce of self consciousness. Our Mountain Bender started with an evening run around town and a trip up Tunnel Mountain:

We ran for a couple of hours around Bankhead, taking in my favorite view of Lake Minnewanka and making it back to town just in time for a trip with my co-workers down the Bow River.

After that, we blast out to Johnson Canyon and the Inkpots for another hour and a half of cruisin' the canyon. I had forgotten that this run climbs the entire way! It was work than I was anticipating, in a good way. :)

It's still early in the season and June is all about going out there and poking around and seeing how much snow is still out there. That's pretty much what we did on Saturday. We ran up to 3 different destinations from the lake: Yoho Pass, Emerald Basin and Hamilton Lake. The plan was to turn around wherever we hit the snow-line.

We made it in to Emerald Basin, but Yoho Pass and Hamilton Lake were still snow bound. I can't wait to come back! It was my first time to Emerald Basin and we got to watch an avalanche of wet cement-like snow flow into the basin. At first glance, I thought it was a water fall - it looked like liquid instead of snow. And it just kept flowin'....

It was incredibly humid and we were all dripping sweat as we climbed up Yoho Pass. It's funny, this place is always like this: green, lush and moist. It's the only place in the whole park that we see cedars growing in the rainshadow of Mount Wapta. The Glacier Lilies were out, exploding from earth and snow any where they could. On the shoreline of the lake, there were lots of other flowers making their first appearance of the year.

Ellie Greenwood, Nicola Gildersleeve, Nicki Rehn, Leslie Gerein
For a grand finalee of the Mountain Bender, I thought a visit to one of the Most Beautiful Places on Earth was in order. I was pleased that it looked a whole lot different than it did 2 weeks ago when the lake was still frozen! We started our run in the village of Lake Louise, ran the Tramline up to the lake and then hit the Little Beehive, Lake Agnes, Mirror Lake, the Highline, Plains of Six Glaciers and the shoreline of Lake Louise. Phew.
It was great to get to know Ellie and Nicola a little bit better as well - these ladies are talented and fast, fast, fast. And fun, fun, fun!
It was great to get to know Ellie and Nicola a little bit better as well - these ladies are talented and fast, fast, fast. And fun, fun, fun!

So that wraps up the weekend mountain bender - thanks to all who participated and got me all fired up for the upcoming season. I'm thinking it was the "unofficial" start to my summer trail running season - I sat in glacier fed Pipestone creek post-run and the weather was warm enough to almost make it enjoyable! :)
What an awesome weekend - you girls are amazing! Defo nice to have girls to hit the trails with like that. While running with guys can be fun it is nice to be free of the testosterone!
The mileage you must have done that weekend - I hope you had a lot of food at that BBQ!
Glad you feel ready for your race, best of luck,
Leslie, what a great weekend you had. Your run looks amazing. Thanks again for the incredible photos. I would love to see Emerald Lake for myself.
OMG, that looks like so much fun! I hate missing out! Can't wait to come run with you and the girls this summer. My foot is doing really good now, wahoo! Good luck at Big Horn!!!
So sad to miss out on the fun! Your friend's legs are like 20 feet long. I probably couldn't keep up anyhow.
Can I come live there??
Oh...wait a minute, I'll be home tonight! See you in 12 hrs!
Man oh MAN, you live in such a heavenly place! I love all the pictures and all the running you girls did, what a blast!
THAT is the kind of post guaranteed to get people to come to Banff. Beautiful-- and looked like lots of fun as well. (Since I already clearly missed out, I don't have FOMO-- just a wee bit of jealousy.)
I just posted my blog about this trip but without any of the names of any of the mountains and lakes because I couldnt remember any of them!!!!! (besides the obvious, emerald, lake louise).
I'll refer people to this one for 'more details'.
Can't wait to come back someday soon.
Ki Kaz, good thought your way Pregolas!
Hi Dan - speedy recovery to you, you'll be back in the saddle in no time.
Howdy Deb! Can't wait for the summer, but first I have a little racey-race to get out of the way. Glad to hear you're getting better.
Danni, you're right her legs are 20 feet long. Her waist comes up to my armpits, I swear! :) They make her go really fast when she wants to.
Hi Paige and Victoria. You're both invited to the Promise-land. It's really that good. The only problem is summer is only 12 weeks long!!
Hi Nicola, sounds like your weekend left you with the same feeling that I have: pure stoke! Yeah, baby you're ready to rumble at States.
Thanks again for a great weekend!
Now THAT'S Girl-butt!!! Great pix! (And the ones of the mountains are okay, too.)
Wow what a weekend you girls had...I'm so jealous wish I would have been there also. Amazing place you live Leslie. Good luck at Bighorn...not that your going to need it.
OMG I have been to so many of those places!
As always looks like a total blast!
Hi Leslie, I saw your blog while searching for some runs in the Banff, Lake Louise, Canmore area. I'm headed up there next week from Colorado (but i'm a Canadian) and want to get in a few long runs(training for a 100 miler). The Colorado Rockies are clear and runable but i gather some trails up there are still snow covered. Any recommendation on trails to hit up? Rockwall? Assiniboine to Sunshine? please email me if you have any suggestions
thanks and congrats on your 100!
I stumbled on this blog when looking up Banff in June as I will be headed there June 11-17th! I was wondering after looking through all of these pictures if you could tell me what trails will be good to go in this time and how likely will i be able to at least see some of the beautiful blue waters! Any tips, I will also be camping!
Whаt’ѕ rеаllу intеrеѕting iѕ hоw some оthеr nаtiоnаl dауѕ likе nаtiоnаl dаughtеrѕ dау аnd nаtiоnаl ilоvе уоu dау аrе ѕееminglу celebrated internationally irrеѕресtivе оf gеоgrарhу, ѕоmе аrе vеrу рорulаr days аrе in fасt аrе vеrу ѕресifiс lосаllу likе уоu can tаkе Mасу’ѕ Thаnkѕgiving Dау whiсh iѕ сеlеbrаtеd еvеrу уеаr in Nеw Yоrk ,Unitеd Stаtеѕ .Some оf thе оthеr dауѕ rеgiоnаllу specific trеndѕ ѕubѕеԛuеntlу bесоmе immеnѕеlу рорulаr intеrnаtiоnаllу аnd worldwide, Nаtiоnаl Pаbеbе Wave Dау bеing оnе ѕuсh еxаmрlе оf thеm. happy National bоуfriеnd day
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