Let's clarify: If you're a runner, you need to do the Trans Rockies Run.
All you need is a running buddy and the ability to put one foot in front of the other and you too, can go storm the castle. Or run the run. Really, it's that simple. What could be better? Spending a week running some beautiful trails in Colorado and relaxing the evenings away with some like-minded folks who also think it's fun to run and eat and socialize. That's what the Trans Rockies Run is about in a nutshell: run, eat, socialize, repeat. It's a trail runners wet dream.
It's just like an All-Inclusive holiday where you can show up and check your brain at the door. Your job for the week is to run and the rest of the details are taken care of. This is what makes the Trans Rockies Run such a fun, memorable, fantastic, one-of-a-kind race. They have thought of everything to make sure your race experience is super fantastic out on the race course and back at camp.
Race course? Check. Challenging, gorgeous, fantastic.
Race start and finish? Music. Ambiance. Staff that make you feel like a Rock star. They get you pumped up.
Food? Tasty. Healthy. So good. Most importantly - lots of it to fuel tomorrow's adventure.
Camp? Ohmygoodness. Showers. Massage. Snacks. Comfy chairs. Bonfires. Treats. Relaxation is taken seriously at the Trans Rockies Run.
People? Runners are good people. I've made and kept some awesome new friends through this race. That's a surprise bonus and one of the best things I've taken away from this race. As well as your fellow running geeks, the volunteers, the race organizers, the photographers, the videographers, the race owners and even the RD himself - are people who make this event well, special.
Schwag? Plentiful. The best and biggest race kit I've ever received, as well as a plethora of small, usable, thoughtful schwag. I scored a Gore-tex jacket, 2 pairs of running shoes, a watch, socks, visors, mugs and hugs. Lots of free hugs.
Value? Huge. You get a lot for your dollar, but it all comes back to Run, Eat, Socialize, Repeat. Everything is taken care of and all you've got to do is show up and run. Then, you get to sit back and soak up the experience. It's worth every penny.
Experience? Once in a lifetime. Incredible trail running, great people, good times and great memories.
So, everybody shout: Trans Rockies Run 2010! I've got myself a hot partner and Team Banff Trail Trash is stoked to be returning for the 4th year in a row. Keith will be joining me on this years adventure, we wouldn't miss it for the world.
Also, this year is going to be just a little bit different: Keith will be riding the Trans Rockies Bike and then following it up with the Trans Rockies Run. I've been blessed 3 amazing partners and 3 incredible experiences at the Trans Rockies Run. Here's my Trans Rockies stories in words and pictures from the 3 years of fun. Enjoy!
Trans Rockies Alumni - I know you're out there! Tell me a story. Send me a link to your story. I'd love to hear from you.
Trans Rockies Wannabees - let me know if you've got questions, I'm glad to help.
Race Report 2009 and Photos
Part 1
Part 2
Race Report 2008 and Photos
Part 1
Part 2
Race Report 2007 and Photos
Race Report

Everthing you say is TRUE! I was just a spectator last year (helped 2 teams with various details) and I had the best time of my life. Coming back to participate this year.
I have a detailed race report on my blog www.wildchild-t.blogspot.com.
I agree with everything you said- awesome awesome race...the best one I've ever done. This year Jinx's Revenge will be tackling GTTR's sister race the TRANSALPINE in Europe woot!!!! I am sure I will see you next year though as I plan to be back in the Rockies.
It's Thea and Tamara! Tamara - good for you for toeing the line. You're going to love it.
Thea - Ohmygoodness, that is some exciting news! TransAlps won't know what hit 'em. Go get yourself some light poles that make the "click-click-click" sound as you power hike through the rocks and make sure to wear a Speedo and some Gaitors. All of the Euros are doing it you know. ;)
...and nice race report! Better late than never?!?
I totally agree that it would be awesome, just requires saving some big bucks. One day I'll have the money to join you!
Thanks for your post on my blog - that was a nice wee surprise.
The first time I cam across your blog was because I googled trans alpine run and from there discovered the trans rockies run - you had just written a post. I would LOVE to do them both. Hard days, but restful nights - a total dream.Like trekking but your kit is carried from place to place and all you have to do is run! I have vowed to do them both some day so watch this space - or rather my blog! (only worrying logisitcs are - apart form saving up for it of course - ensuring I can get food that is gluten and cow's dairy free or it won't be a very nice time for any one running with me!!!! Hee hee!)
Have fun this year - I will live vicariously through your post and photos!
It is on our "Someday List". Thanks for inspiring us!
I think I'll put this on my "bucket list". You almost make it look easy :)
Finished TRR2009 as half of Team XXL. Truly a great way to spend a week! I'll see you at TRR this year except I'll be running the RUN3.
Team XXL Redux is also heading east for the TransAlpine!
Great blog! I enjoy following your adventures!
If only I COULD put one foot in front of the other in a reliable way for a week! It's been a year since I've been able to do that! And TR is in my own back yard.
Have fun. And thanks for letting me hitch a ride as a spectator on your own adventure.
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