Who knows when the heck or if I ever will get my story and pics up on the rest of the B.U.T.T Epic. So, I am going to borrow a note from my friend Mike's blog who described our week to perfection:
"We covered something like 170 kms including 11 passes over 2000 meters.
We saw osprey, bald eagle, marmot, pika, moose, frogs, ermine, mountain goat and the cutest baby gophers you could ever hope to see.
We ran through dense, wet jungle vegetation, over bare rocky passes, through sweet meadow singletrack, into burnt forest, through endless meadows of incredible flowers and over crazy boulder fields. We met a few hikers along the way but for the most part it was all ours.
Apart from a few minor scrapes we all came out of it in one piece and with the same stupid ass grins all over our faces.
'Nuf said! The story, the photos are all over on his blog.
Mike's photos are amazing, the boy has talent! Now moving on to this weekend....
It was time for a little quick escape to Yoho. It's August already and I still hadn't managed to get up to my favorite campsight at Takakkaw Falls. It was time!
I packed up Friday morning and headed out. I was all set up at the campground by mid-afternoon and absolutely had to get out for a late afternoon/early evening run because the weather was gorgeous! A couple of hours later, I found myself up on the Iceline Trail, surrounded by glaciers pondering the universe all by myself. It was rather surreal, stunning, stupendous, spectacular, awesome, memorable and magical. It was one of those moments where you just look around at the scenery around you and go "Holly F*@#K" as you shake your head in disbelief at how amazing mother nature is and how anything can be that beautiful.
The next day, Mike and Angela - the lone BUTT finishers - came up to join for a long run of "Yoho in a Day". Another sweet day. We did a reverse figure-eight and hit the Whaleback to Twin Falls, back to Stanley Mitchell, the Iceline to Yoho Lake for a well earned swim and then the big descent back to the trail head. Yep, Yoho in a day. I slept well in my tent that night.
Yesterday, I was still feeling good so I decided to go long again. I climbed from Tak Falls, to Yoho Lake - did the Wapta Highline to Burgess Pass, descended down the 40+ switchbacks to Emerald Lake, jumped in, ran the shoreline and climbed the entire distance back up to Yoho Pass and Yoho Lake. Phew. Grand finalee descent back to camp, packed it up and called it: One Sweet Weekend.
***Yesterdays' solo run: Wapta Highline/Burgess Pass:

***Saturday's Run with Angela and Mike: "Yoho in a Day":

That looks like ridiculous fun!
Oh, and e-mail me...you won! :)
Beautiful!! (As always!)
Goregrous...nuf said!
Hey! need your e-mail address...can't figure it out from your comment or profile. :)
There you go again, living the dream. Awesome, of course.
Leslie, Yoho in a day was awesome but Yoho in 3 days looks even better.
Way to go girl!
Love the video because I get to hear your voice (and your Canadian accent)! Have fun at Trans Rockies and wish I could have spent time with you and Keith but you'll be away when I'm in Canada (my flight is officially arriving August 26 and departing September 1).
Keep on bringing the videos lady!
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