Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Long Run in Calgary

After Friday's run to Shadow Lake and Saturday's run to Johnson Lake, Keith and I blast off to Calgary for an evening visit with my mom. We did dinner and a movie and had a great visit. On Sunday morning, I met up with some old friends from the Glenmore Landing Running Room: it was great to see Jean, Angelique, Lorne, Kathy, Helen, Janice, Jay and a few others! I joined Lorne and his group for 19k around the Glenmore Reservoir (it sure was great to have the company!) and then I said goodbye and took off for another 2 hours on trail. The group could not believe that I was going out for another few hours. It was around 14k on the bonus loop for around 33km total. A beautiful romp on the trails of North Glenmore, Weaslehead and Jackrabbit.

It was great to see the old friends and a fantastic reminder about how far I have come. My bonus loop felt great and I think I actually picked up the pace. It was great fun to have a change of location, pace, scenery and company!


Meghan said...


Ohmygoodness I'm eternally grateful that you left a comment on my blog so that I could discover the world's coolest blog and a rad kindred spirit! I mean, I haven't met another young (You look young in your pics!) woman who runs through various winter scenes that illicit looks of wonder, awe, and craziness from others moving by more traditional modes of winter travel. So cool that you commented, thank you so much, and I will definitely come back to read some more.

With regards to the comment you left on my blog, methinks that winter will be around just a bit longer for you than me, given those extra degrees of latitude you possess way up there. I welcome spring with a degree of caution I'm sure you can identify with: Spring equals clear trails and hungry grizzly bears, there are pros and cons.

Be well!

Leslie said...

Yay! Glad to be found! We do have lots in common. You must be a Parks girl I suspect! I also suspect you are younger and faster than me!! Think of me as YOU in ten years....

Yes, it is that time of year where I usually need a little escape, but Orcas Island worked well for me last month! Mmmmm. Green things, clear lovely trail, mud, the ocean and scented forests. It wasn't Big Bend though.

I do love and embrace winter - but yes, it is long. You can one up me though - you have bison in your National Park! I spend a lot of time in summer hootin' and hollerin' and runnin' through the high country trying to avoid G-Bear-run-ins.

I have gotten used to the looks of bewilderment and confusion from my fellow trail users. Now when they ask me WHY am I running I tell them:

"Because I CAN!!"

CoyoteGirl said...

Hi Leslie!

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. My runs may be warmer...but WOW your's are epic and gorgeous with the snow and the mountains.

I'm going to bookmark your site and come back often for a visit!

