Monday, January 5, 2009

The Weekend Report

Although my long run was solo, the rest of my weekend was full of some quality girl-time with two lovelies: Ms. Iris and Ms. Holly. It was cold on Friday, but Iris and I went out and did what seems to have become a regular weekend exursion: an out and back up Sulphur Mountain. It seems to be the default place for me to go when it's cold because it is inevitable that you are going to generate heat when you go up for 7km and gain 900m of elevation! And hey, all of my friends love it because it is so pretty. Unfortunately, I didn't have my photo mojo working, but I did snap a few photos. The cold had settled into the valley and it was clear, cold and sunny up top!We both got c-c-c-cold on the way down and we had to work hard to re-heat our frozen toes and hands. Aaaaaaah - winter, sigh.

Mmmm, warm sunbeam!

Iris and I hit the hot tub when we got home and just when I was about to settle into my comfy clothes in front of the fireplace, Ms. Holly arrived. And she wanted to run. We headed up Tunnel Mountain for a quick sunset run, which yielded this great photo:

We stayed in and hibernated, cooked some dinner, drank some wine and played some Scrabble. I need to get myself a Scrabble dictionary so I can learn all those quirky little words that start with "Q" and "X". Iris had NEVER played Scrabble before!! Next time, I suspect she will slay me with words like "Xanadu" and "Quip"...

On Saturday, we awoke to temperatures of -31c, so we chilled out and relaxed in the kitchen for a few hours drinking too much coffee and waiting for the temperatures to rise. We decided to go for a snowshoe up on Stoney Squaw, in the Mount Norquay area where would be more protected in the forest. Keith, Holly, Stu and Anna joined in for the fun and it wasn't nearly as cold as we had anticipated! It was fun. Don't I look like I am having fun?!?

On the way back down to town, we stopped at the Mount Norquay Viewpoint, put on our down puffy coats and had a tea party. It turned out to be a nice outing and a lovely day with the friends! Thanks for a great weekend ladies!


  1. What a great way to start the New Year! Loved the frost on the Wonderbread toque! Doug

  2. I suspect that you always look like you are having fun. In fact, i bet you pretty much always have fun. if this is not true, don't shatter my impression. ;-)

  3. Frosty eyelashes! That's awesome!
    Nothing like a spot of tea to warm the soul on a cold day, eh?

  4. Frozen eyelashes....don't get those here much.

    Wow -31! that's a chilly one!

    Gorgeous pics as usual.

  5. Hike, Hot Tub, Run... Repeat if necessary.

    I'm sure if you check there is some sort of electronic scrabble available on-line that you can while away the hours on perfecting your game and increasing your vocabulary beyond comprehension.

    Or you could drink wine and just chill.

    Thanks for the update. Looks like you had a wonderful albeit cold weekend.

  6. I am tres frosty in that pic!

    Maybe the next time we play Scrabble your beloved won't start it off with such a silly/short word. SCHLONG!

  7. Sunny skies bring the cold temps. It is always a tough tradeoff.

    Once again amazing pictures.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hey Leslie,
    Looks like you guys had a great time, despite the cold! ... as did Colette and I when we ventured out on Jan 2 (Friday) to snowshoe up Stoney Squaw... what a great easy burn for a chilly day!! :) We need to explore trails like that... any tips/ideas for us?

    FYI - we've already booked for our annual trip to Skoki for Colette's birthday. Perhaps we'll see you and Keith there again for their dueling birthdays!??


  10. Ohmygosh you ladies are darling beyond believe I just want to pinch each and every one of you. Love the frostiness and sooooooooo cute are you!


  11. Nice white mascara. Is it the new style?

  12. Thanks for the entertaining words, y'all!

    Anton - funny we should hear from you, guess where we are going tomorrow??

    I'll be packing the white mascara. All the cool mountain girls are wearing it!

