Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's Skoki Time!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I made sure to get my long run in today, as we are off to Skoki Lodge for a few days of skiing, relaxing and celebrating. Sort of an extended weekend! One of the great things about Skoki is that there is no cell service, computer access, or any of that stuff. Just a nice opportunity to relax, sit around and chat and enjoy a beautiful place with some friends. And it's my birthday! I couldn't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend it.

See you in a few days,



  1. Happy Birthday Leslie! Getting close to me in age? Just kidding, I know you are a young chickadee next to this old hen. Hope you have so much fun up in Skoki - Eric and I really want to get up there for a summer run someday.

  2. Leslie! What a wonderful gift it is to be able to enjoy what I expect is one of your top 5 favorite places in the world!

    The guests will be blessed with your presence.


  3. Happy Birthday, what a great way to relax and celebrate. Enjoy your time there!

  4. Happy B-day Leslie!!
    I'm soooo jealous that you're headed to Skoki ...definitely the best 'disconnected' spot in the Rockies!! :)


  5. Hi Leslie!

    Happy Birthday! I hope you had a blast up at Skoki! :)
    Hopefully we get some days of ski-touring in this season! :)

    miss ya

  6. Happy Belated Birthday!

    Love your new banner photo, that is just gorgeous.

  7. Happy happy happy birthday! Hope you had a blast and enjoyed being unconnected!

  8. Hi Michelle and Eric,
    OF COURSE the guests were blessed with my presence, (as I was with theirs!) You absolutely need to get up there for a run someday. This young chickadee is now 40. Forty! F-O-R-T-Y!!! I am in awe.

    Hi Sonya! I'm relaxed I'm well fed I'm happy.

    Anton-great to here from you! We had a great birthday to come.

    Hi Anna! Of course, we'll drag you out for some days!

    Hi Lily - welcome! I love that photo as well. It was taken on a September run in Yoho National Park, above Emerald Lake, on Burgess Pass. It was a challenging day for a "run"...

    Yo Laura!
    I'll miss you this year at Orcas! I can't make it out this year :( Hope all is well and thanks for the birthday wishes!
