Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rollin' out

We're rollin' out at the "crack" of 5:00AM for a road trip to North Dakota!  What's in North Dakota, you say?  Why it's the Maah-Daah-Hey, eh?  The Big Ass in the middle is our trip coordinator and it's bound to to be Good Times.  We're a group of 10, of which 8 are going to be mountain biking this prime singletrack and 2 of us will be running.  Who's run?  Why that would be me and Angela.

Not North Dakota....

Don't know much about the Maah-Daah-Hey trail and know even less about North Dakota, but I reckon it's a good chance to see spring in the prairies and see something completely different.  See you in a week.


  1. Now those are some rosy cheeks! Have a good time.

  2. My childhood stomping grounds. Beautiful place. Hope the flooding has subsided for you!

  3. You almost made me spew my coffee!

  4. I'm sure you'll have a sweet trip!

  5. That bike ride is on the Leslie Top 10 List of My Most Favorite Things of All Time. It still makes me gleeful just thinking about it.

  6. Nice astronomy, suddenly I feel like howling at the moon('s). :)

  7. who's your trip coordinator?
