Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Eve in Banff

Yes, that's me in a silly hat! We had a mellow evening followed by what has become some what of a tradition: a walk up Tunnel Mountain to see the fireworks here in Banff. Keith and I had a frosty walk up and enjoyed a cup of herbal tea. Geeks!

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year to both you and Leslie's Keith :-) Herbal tea!!! You probably woke up earlier than Ted and I did.

  2. Nice fireworks! Much more festive New Years than my 11:20 bedtime. I should've taken some Geritol - I'd have been able to last another hour!

  3. A lot less geeky than those of us who went to bed at 11:00. Of course, that was so we could get up for marathon #2 bright and early. Kind of puts a damper on the New Years partying! Happy New Year Leslie and Keith!

    Leslie - you coming down for Orcas?

  4. Oh you really did hike up tunnel this year!!! :)
    Happy New Year!

  5. So sad that the Orcas dates don't work for me this year :(
    Seriously, I was looking forward to it! But I will be in a pretty place ski touring that that makes up for it!
