Sunday, November 23, 2008

This Week in Running

We arrived back at the Calgary Airport on Saturday night, just in time to drive back in the dark at midnight, in a winter storm. Oh, joy! So on Saturday in a nutshell, we awoke in Stinson Beach, ran a 30km trail race, got in a car and drove through the mayhem of San Francisco and hopped on a plane home. Then we made the stormy drive in the dark back to Banff. Phew.
After a few days off of running, I snuck out of work an hour early on Wednesday. I was desparate to get a little sunlight. We have currently entered into what I call "The Dark Months" in Banff where the sun disappears behind the mountains by 2:00 in the afternoon. By 5:15 it is getting pretty dark. I wanted a run up Tunnel to enjoy the last of the day light!

I was pretty happy when I got there and it was a beautiful afternoon!!

On Friday, I got up early and put on my new road running shoes and took a run around town at sunrise. I haven't owned any in 4 years and let me tell you, I felt like a light, fast, speedy-speedster with those puppies on. WOW!! I ran into Mike along the way and he told me to go get some dirt on them.

Saturday morning I was excited to be joined by Hugh and a few friends, including Don, Catherine and Myron. Let's not forget the puppy dogs-all 5 of them!!

Hugh-The Dog Whisperer

Catherine and Maya-The Greyhound in the Coat

Hugh's doggie friends were patiently, impatient while we stopped to enjoy the swing.

We mostly enjoyed a run on pretty dry trails, until we climbed up to the viewpoint. On the climb up the snow got deeper, and we got to work a little bit harder to earn our view!

Hugh and Keith on the home stretch

Hugh's pictures are here.

On Sunday morning, we awoke to one of those picture perfect blue sky days. Keith was supposed to take the day off, but hey-it was too gorgeous a day to stay at home. We had to get out! The boy joined me for an hour up Tunnel Mountain and then I headed off on the trail for another 1.5hours of quality Leslie time.

Me, on the top of Tunnel Mountain

The trails are remarkably dry for late November. We escaped November with no real winter weather! The ski hills opened last weekend while we were in California, but I think we will wait another week or so until there is more snow. Maybe next weekend, we will get out the skis??? In the mean time, I am enjoying the dry trails....

More photos here.

**And finally, all of my photos from our holiday in Yosemite and the Marin Headlands, as well as Race Day photos from Stinson Beach. The fine folks at Pacific Coast Trail Runs put some of my pictures up on their promo sight as well!!**



  1. Sounds like a darn good week Leslie! Darkish by 2:00 - that would drive me nuts. Happy running this weekend!

  2. Hey Leslie! Winter is less cold than you expected. Running the trails is the best choice.
    Regards! Javier

  3. Looks like you better start tuning up those ski's!

    When is the spring thaw going to come?

  4. Hi Les!

    Just went through all the pics with 'our Americam Cousins' Stu, Pam, and Janice. Made me realize what a great trip you took me on. Thank You for a great Vacation!



    PS...2 pm is 'shadow over our house' time...not 'dark'..please quit scaring our on line friends from coming to visit! Plenty of sun to find until 5. Have a great run with Danni tomorrow!


  5. Are those some of the trails we get to run on next summer?

  6. Ahhhhh I recognize those places! You seriously rock.

  7. Hi Leslie!

    WOW - never thought this would happen - but we actually have more snow over here than in Banff! :)

    Just thought about you and Keith this afternon while i was backing all the xmas cookies.
    I'll send of a small package for the 2 of you! :)


  8. Hi Michelle-
    Hope it all went smoooooth for you this past weekend...I can't wait to read the 3 marathons in 3 days report!

    Hi Javier! Are you planning your next holiday yet?!? It is always good to hear from you, my friend.

    Hey Eric-
    Oh yeah...I'm skiing....right to the 3rd week of May!!

    Hi Honey! Love ya!

    Howdy Sean!
    Those are just the local "backyard" trails! The tour that we are going to piece together is all high alpine passes, turquoise lakes, rocky rugged, epic Banff National Park scenery! I'm getting excited just thinking about it...

    Hi Anna!
    That's crazy talk! Yep, it is so crazy dry here in the valley. It's kind of WEIRD. I know it will happen and the snow will fly and all of that, but it's waaaaay late. Hope all is well chez-vous!

    Thanks for the good-times, good-times! When are we going to do it again??
