Saturday, October 18, 2008

Spot the Difference!!

Hello friends, I want you to join in a with me for a little game that I like to call "Spot the Difference!"

Exhibit A - A Run to Lake Agnes, 3 weekends ago:

Exhibit B - A Run to Lake Agnes, yesterday:

Can you spot the differences? How many differences YOU can find in the two pictures??


  1. Uhhh...Picture A is in Color, Picture B in Black/White??


  2. Oh my - how sad - yet exciting all at the same time! The summer went so fast. But I already booked off the summer solstice next year for more Yoho fun :)

    Your hubby is so clever.

  3. Pretty!!!

    We have no snow yet. I am sad. I can't wait for snow!!!

  4. Ahahaha! Funny girl you are!

    Both gorgeous views...just different. I feel the change of seasons, even here where we don't get snow. I'm seriously getting that cocooning instinct going right now...just want to stay in my jammies and cook.
