Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Planning for 2008

So......looking towards 2008 I have committed to a few races:
  1. Orcas Island Fat Ass 50k. Located in the most beautiful state park. Love the Golf Islands! A good excuse to get out of town.
  2. Miwok 100k. Love California! A really good excuse to get out of town. Especially in May. When you live in Banff.
  3. Blackfoot Ultra 50k. A post Miwok effort and a good excuse to get out of town. That and all of the friends are going. We will have a 4 person Banff Trail Trash contingent!
  4. Powderface 42. Love this race! A kick ass marathon on all singled track. Hope to speed it up this year!
  5. The Canadian Death Race. Support crew. Sometimes you just have to give back the love!
  6. After that......summer is short! I just want to hit some special trails in the National Park, and am planning something long and epic....I just need to give it a name.

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